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OTP Leasing and WEBCAR – Leasing of note 10

OTP Leasing and WEBCAR – Leasing of note 10

OTP Leasing Romania, in partnership with WEBCAR, one of the largest car ad sites in Romania, launches the "10" offer for you and your business!

For any car with a maximum age of 5 years, purchased through the WEBCAR platform, you can opt for financial leasing on advantageous terms and cost reductions:

  • Advance from 15%
  • Interest of 3,99%
  • Fee for the granting 1.99%
  • Residual value of 10% at the end
  • Period of up to 5 years of funding


The minimum amount financed by this campaign is EUR 8000. The offer is intended exclusively for legal persons (including PFA) who conclude a new financial lease for any car under those conditions (except light commercial vehicles).

The granting of financing for those goods shall be subject to the valid conclusion of a lease and the proper fulfilment of the bonds referred to in the verification and financing documents of OTP Leasing Romania IFN SA.

To learn more and request an offer, go to the campaign page today.


OTP Leasing and WEBCAR

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